Travel Institute Prepares to Kick Off ‘Promote Your Professionalism’ Event in July
by Daine Taylor /
The Travel Institute recently announced the launch of the sixth annual “Promote Your Professionalism” event, which will begin on July 1. The event will include incredible savings for agents, via scholarships for certification, along with additional learning opportunities throughout the month.
This year’s event also coincides with the release of an enhanced CTA course, which will be utilizing the recently announced new interactive learning platform, the launch of a new online validation tool for certified graduates, and free educational webinars.
“We anticipate a record number of applicants again this year, given the marketability and portability of our certifications and the importance of agent differentiation in an industry with widely varying, difficult-to-discern agent capabilities,” said Diane Petras, a certified travel industry executive and president of The Travel Institute. “Our annual scholarship program is one of our most visible and far-reaching commitments to the vitality and future of our industry.”
In order to qualify for a scholarship, individuals must complete The Travel Institute’s scholarship application form, which will be available through the end of July.
“I can’t stress enough the importance and success rate of this program after completion” said Rowanne Gallo, certified travel counselor, at Globetrotters, Ltd. “My agency’s bookings and revenue increased exponentially,” she said, explaining how certification has made a significant difference in her business.
Throughout July, travel agents can enroll in the new Certified Travel Associate (CTA), Certified Travel Counselor (CTC), or Certified Travel Industry Executive (CTIE), programs and qualify to receive a 50% savings in the form of scholarships from The Travel Institute Fund. Depending on selected coursework, the value of the scholarships could be as high as $275 off standard pricing.
This year, The Travel Institute has introduced an enhanced CTA course, the latest in a growing library of online courses that allows travel agents to takes advantage of new training technologies. The new platform has an interactive user interface, refreshed graphics, dynamic learning tools, and responsive design in order to further increase comprehension and retention.
Supplementing the certification-scholarship offers are interactive webinars and weekly communications, all focused on professional development, branding, and differentiating yourself. All sessions are free, but advanced registration is required, and availability is limited. In addition, webinars on specialization, certification, and new agent training are also offered in July.
Here’s the July webinar schedule:
-The new CTA Certification Program – July 2, 1 p.m.
-New Marketing Tools that Set You Apart – July 11, 3 p.m.
-How to Promote Your Value Using Social Marketing – July 16, 2 p.m.
-How to Be Magnetic Online – July 24, 2 p.m.
-Professional Development Webinar – Northern India and Ethiopia – July 30, 1 p.m.
Complementing “Promote Your Professionalism” event is the launch of Digital Credentials, a new online validation tool for certified graduates. In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, CTA, CTC, and CTIE certification enables graduates to differentiate themselves, and digital credentials make it easier for agents to share that differentiation with colleagues and consumers.
“As a travel professional, certification is an important piece of reflecting my dedication to the profession. It helps build credibility and opens up dialogue around what the certification is and what I did to earn it,” said Drew Daly, CTIE, at World Travel Holdings.
“Take the time and invest in yourself by taking the certification. I highly recommend completing any training that is going to reinforce your commitment to this profession. Once done, share it with everyone and have the conversation so they know you are a professional travel expert committed to learning and growing. They will definitely feel validated in doing business with you and want your expert opinion in planning their vacation.”