Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic Is Planning a Brand Overhaul, New Name
by Dori Saltzman /
Photo: Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic
Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic is planning a largescale brand overhaul that will see it switch its name to National Geographic-Lindblad Expeditions. The name change will leverage the power of the National Geographic names.
Members of the cruise line’s Travel Advisory Board were among the first to see the new branding during a recent Wild Greenland Escape sailing onboard the National Geographic Resolution. Advisors heard more about Lindblad’s expanded relationship with National Geographic and The Walt Disney Company, which will be fundamental to the growth of the co-brand and to its international expansion plans.
The leveraged co-brand will also enable the cruise line to improve its tool and support for travel advisors.
“We are in growth mode when it comes to supporting travel advisors and are ready and eager to help them grow their expedition travel business,” said Kathi Riddle, senior vice president of sales and revenue for Lindblad Expeditions. “Our brand is also sailing full steam ahead toward our next phase of growth, with our refreshed co-branded identity just weeks from being revealed, which will be a catalyst for significant international expansion by leaning into the global name recognition of the National Geographic name and The Walt Disney Company’s incredible distribution power.”