TMR Officially Launches First-Ever Travel Market Place Leadership Exchange in Cancun
by Daniel McCarthy /
Photo: Dan Galbraith
On Monday, the team at Travel Market Report celebrated the launch of the first ever Travel Market Place Leadership Exchange (TMPLE), a first-of-its kind event exclusively for the Canadian travel market.
TMPLE, held at Secrets The Vine Hotel in Cancun, is a fully hosted two-day event connecting some of the highest performing retail travel agency owners across Canada with supplier executives from the leading travel brands.
“Travel Market Place was built for the frontline advisors, and TMPLE is built for travel leaders. We wanted to bring the TMP concept to the owner community as we understand they have a separate group of needs,” Brian Israel, senior vice president for TMR said this week.
“TMPLE was created for agency owners, to enable them to learn from each other, and have the kind of leadership conversations, and supplier networking, we know they crave and they need to succeed,” Israel added.

The event featured 25 one-on-ones for each of the invited owners, along with a leadership session hosted by business coach and strategist Geraldine Ree. When the conference wrapped up on Tuesday, the group wrapped up 625 total meetings across the two-days.
“This is a bold new way to do a conference,” Ree told owners during the opening session. It’s about bringing the top leaders together in the industry together to solve some of the biggest challenges they’re are facing on an individual basis. It’s about meaningful one-on-one connections so they can walk away able to make a real difference not only in their business but in the industry.”
The event joins TMR’s other signature event, Travel Market Place (TMP), which has editions in Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto. Next up on the schedule is TMP Vancouver, which will welcome 350 advisors starting on February 11.