Travel Advisor Service Sales Tax Proposal Struck Down in Nebraska
by Briana Bonfiglio /
Nebraska State Capitol. Photo:
Travel advisors in Nebraska have successfully rallied against a potential sales tax on their services.
The state was considering doing away with its current sales tax exemption for travel advisors during a special, four-week legislative session. Nebraska travel advisors grew worried that if passed, the sales tax would drive away clients.
This prompted the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) to mobilize on the issue, ensuring the concerns were heard. Advisors called and emailed their legislators, and the sales tax proposal was ultimately struck down. Today ASTA is celebrating the legislative win.
“Removing the sales tax exemption for travel advisors and tour operators would have had serious financial consequences for both travelers and travel advisors, with many clients seeking advisors outside Nebraska to avoid the tax,” said Jessica Klement, VP of Advocacy for ASTA. “We are thrilled that the sales tax exemption remains intact, protecting both consumers and travel advisors in Nebraska.”
According to ASTA, the tax would have levied $4.4 million across the sector, and the state governor has vowed to revisit the tax proposal next year.