Passport Online Adds Swan Hellenic
by Dori Saltzman /
Photo: Swan Hellenic
Travel advisors using Passport Online to book cruises now have another cruise line to add to their sales portfolio. The online booking and marketing platform has added Swan Hellenic to its lineup.
“We are committed to providing our travel agency customers with the very best suppliers in the industry,” said Jeanne Colombo, president of Passport Online. “We are thrilled to welcome award-winning Swan Hellenic Cruises to our portfolio. Travel advisors will be able to access the latest cruise content, as well as share that content with their customers through websites, email marketing solutions, and social media campaigns.”
“This new partnership with Passport Online showcases our ongoing commitment to supporting the travel advisor community and making it easy for them to do business with us,” said Joe Maloney, vice president of sales and marketing, North America for Swan Hellenic.