An Open Letter from Wendy Paradis, President, ACTA
by Wendy Paradis /
As we approach the end of the year, I wish to take the opportunity to reflect on the incredible work and resilience of all of our travel agency and independent members, as well as the ACTA team, throughout the past two and a half years.
There’s no question that our industry was one of the hardest-hit. Yet, travel agents worked non-stop in support of their clients, despite the anxiety, exhaustion, and financial hardship.
The ACTA team was with you every step of the way, advocating for easing border measures, critical financial support, and reduced barriers to recovery.
I want to thank you for all you have done to build back our beloved travel industry and put us on the road to recovery.
So many travel agency and independent members stepped up to ACTA’s call to actions, meeting with Members of Parliament, joining letter-writing campaigns, and helping influence governments to continue supporting our sector through its most challenging time.
I wish to specifically thank all ACTA members, including those in the Travel Agency Leaders Advisory Committee, Regional Councils, the Board of Directors, and all those who joined us in our hundreds of consultations and advocacy actions.
I would also like to acknowledge and thank the entire travel and tourism ecosystem for working incredibly well together to advocate on behalf of our industry, and strive for a smooth recovery.
Today, we are finally in recovery. Travel is booming, and many travel agencies and independent travel agents are back to profitability with bright futures.
However, ACTA’s work is not done. Into 2023, we will continue to advocate with all levels of government to reduce regulatory burdens, alleviate debt, and invest in Canada’s travel agencies and independent travel agents.
Advocacy with suppliers continues in full strength to ensure fairness in the travel and tourism ecosystem. And, we are continuing to invest in our education programs, including Travel Agent Essentials and other continuing education opportunities to ensure we build-back better.
Finally, I want to extend an invitation to all non-members to consider joining ACTA today to support our on-going efforts to make your business as profitable as possible.
On behalf of the entire ACTA team, I send my warm wishes this holiday season to everyone in our industry.
Happy Holidays and here is to a banner 2023!